Core sensor network ontology

The core sensor network ontology has been created in the context of the W3C Incubator Group on Semantic Sensor Networks and hence it is not the sole responsibility nor is it has been solely authored by the SSG4Env project, but it is the result of a collaborative effort of many institutions and individuals worldwide. Here we provide only a brief description of this core ontology, including motivation and general overview of its main modules, and we refer to the W3C Incubator Group report for further information about it.

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Flood ontology network

The flood ontology network gives support to the project use case on flood and surge management. After an analysis of the requirements for this application, we have developed these ontologies mainly reusing a good number of ontologies from the SWEET suite, the core sensor network ontology and several ontologies developed by Ordnance Survey.

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Fire ontology network

The fire ontology network gives support to the project use case on forest fire risk management. After an analysis of the requirements for this application, we have developed these ontologies mainly reusing a good number of ontologies from the SWEET suite, which cover the following domains: fire, forest and vegetation, weather, geography, water body, infrastruscture, location and time; and the core sensor network ontology.

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SemSorGrid4Env - Semantic Sensor Grids for Rapid Application Development for Environmental Management
SemSorGrid4Env is a joint project of seven European partners co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme
under DG INFSO H.4 "ICT for Sustainable Growth", starting in September 2008 with a duration of three years.