SOTON held meetings with diferent organizations

SOTON held meetings with each of the following short-list of user partners: the Environment Agency of England and Wales, the Channel Coastal Observatory, the Solent Forum, Associated British Ports (Southampton) and the Queen's Harbour Master (Portsmouth).

The establishment of the partner network has been expedited by the fact that Mike Clark has existing and long-standing research project links with the Environment Agency, the GeoData Institute hosts the web-based delivery service for the Channel Coastal Observatory, and Mike is Chair of the Solent Forum and through this position has Steering Group links with Associated British Ports and the Queen's Harbour Master. These existing links have, in effect, opened the doors that have allowed us to lobby on behalf of SSG4Env, hereby reducing the time taken to bring major organisations into the user network. Discussions have been held with: Simon Ashley, Head of Interactive Development, Environment Agency;  Professor Anrew Bradbury, Director, Channel Coastal Observatory;  Travis Mason, Channel Coastal Observatory; Karen McHugh, Solent Project Officer, Hampshire County Council; Rhian Davies, Solent Forum Officer, Hampshire County Council; Rob Crighton, Chair, Southern Water Quality Association, Southampton City; Ron Hancock, Associated British Ports, Southampton; Commander Stephen Hopper, Royal Navy, Queen's Harbour Master, Portsmouth.
SemSorGrid4Env - Semantic Sensor Grids for Rapid Application Development for Environmental Management
SemSorGrid4Env is a joint project of seven European partners co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme
under DG INFSO H.4 "ICT for Sustainable Growth", starting in September 2008 with a duration of three years.